Let Slip the [Virtual] Dogs of War

Let Slip the [Virtual] Dogs of War … in Vegas

Fellow warriors in the fight against bullshit VR marketing hype, it is time to rally! I say enough of stories of headgear manufactu...

Friday 11 March 2016

Playing Coy with Magic Leap

"Magic Leap won't say when it will release a product or how much the thing will cost."

I have to admit that baby elephant thing is super cute. My daughter loves it, but beyond being cute I am not sure I get it. Heck, if I had half a billion I could genetically modify elephants to fly and then I wouldn't have to simulate it.

I love the Magic Leap teasers and I am intrigued by their grand, albeit veiled vision of the future. I just wish they wouldn't be so coy about their magical 'Light Field' technology. I also wish there was more definition around when and how I can deploy this amazing technology. Right now, it seems like highly funded magic foo foo dust.

OMG, it's Magic! Not.
Magic Leap won’t say when it will release a product or how much the thing will cost
Magic Leap won’t say when it will release a product or how much the thing will cost,
Magic Leap won’t say when it will release a product or how much the thing will cost
Magic Leap won’t say when it will release a product or how much the thing will cost

1 comment:

  1. With tha ability to emulate a small elephant flying out of my hands, it seems as though this can hold potential although you need to ask if there would be any actually good story games that can be branched from this, the answer would seemingly be no for me, I mean, 3D without glasses is neat and all, but it adds nothing to what the developer accually does with the plot of a game.
