Let Slip the [Virtual] Dogs of War

Let Slip the [Virtual] Dogs of War … in Vegas

Fellow warriors in the fight against bullshit VR marketing hype, it is time to rally! I say enough of stories of headgear manufactu...

Monday 14 March 2016

Samsung Goes Comfortably Numb

Samsung’s New Headphones Trick Your Inner Ear to Move You in VR

The lads from Road to VR (roadtovr.com) take us on a journey into Samsung's effort to tickle your inner ear.  By aurally stimulating your vestibular system via your ear canal, Samsung claims to be able to simulate an immersive experience. They call it Galvanic Vestibular Stimuation (GVS).

Let's unpack all that marketing mumbo jumbo.  Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation really just means they pump sound into your ear using headphones. The sound is designed to make you feel all out of this world. Hmmm. Didn't Pink Floyd do this with Comfortably Numb back in '79?

Samsung Uses 2016 Tech to Recreate a 1979 Pink Floyd Song


  1. Would this device give us the ability to more so immerse our selves in some games with a truly good story instead of just put us in some tiny room to explore?

  2. One would hope so but I highly doubt it. Content is lagging the hype.
    - The Colonel

  3. Why immerse yourself in a game, when a beautiful world is waiting to be explored. The world today is to dependent on this "extraordinary" technology meanwhile the most extraordinary thing is waiting for you right outside your door!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
