Let Slip the [Virtual] Dogs of War

Let Slip the [Virtual] Dogs of War … in Vegas

Fellow warriors in the fight against bullshit VR marketing hype, it is time to rally! I say enough of stories of headgear manufactu...

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Why everyone needs to calm down about virtual reality


Hayley Tsukayama is my new hero with her brilliantly written Washington Post article. I particularly like her thoughts on the perils of an evermore solitude world driven by headsets. There has to be a better way ...


  1. Seriously, why would you gather everyone in a big room just to play some bad game, where your probably with everybody in a big room.

  2. I don't understand all the hype?! If everyone can collaborate and come to together to connect virtually, why cant we all get out and connect in real life? This virtually reality stuff shouldn't replace the pleasures of life it self.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
